Brice NP

Two goals for today: a) find out if the Sunrise point (remember yesterday) is any better than Sunset point and b) driving to Zion NP. Doing a) meant getting up at six. By the time we got to Sunrise point there were already many people there with their cameras ready to shoot. Most of them were aiming there cameras east ... I wonder what is different when the Sun rises over a clear sky in Brice to the same happening in any other place in the world ... So I went down into Queens Garden to get some shots of what the Sun does to these startling rocks they have there ... Regula stayed up on the rim but later she found that it would probably have been a better idea to take picures of all these people waiting for the Sun than to join them ...

After all this early morning activity b) was a simple case ...

1999-09-07 << PREV -- click on the image to continue -- NEXT >> 1999-09-07